Chivalry 101

The art of chivalry has become lost upon our generation, so I've created a quick guide on how to be the most courteous of men.

    1. Open the door - Not just for your lady but for anyone who is traveling through said opening
    2. Walk on the traffic side of a street - In the golden days of chivalry, a man would walk on the outside of a sidewalk to protect his lady from dirty or water that would splash upon them should a carriage ride by
    3. A gentlemen never kisses and tells
    4. Always offer to help carry an item no matter the person
    5. Learn the difference between your confidence and your arrogance
    6. A gentleman know's his word is his bond
    7. Keep a firm handshake and eye contact
    8. Always offer your coat to a lady
    9. A gentleman learns how to cook
    10. “I’ll get this one” is always a kind offer. But if your date, friend or colleague has indicated that, in fact, they’d like to get this one: accept that. Don’t insist on paying at all costs. A gentleman doesn’t flash his cash, or ignore the wishes of others. You can get the next one (and, indeed, letting the other person pay, if they wish to, makes it infinitely more likely that there will be a ‘next one’).


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